Fishing Regulations

White, striped and yellow bass
For striped and hybrid striped bass, minimum length limit = 18 inches and daily bag limit = 5 in any combination. For white bass, minimum length = 10 inches and daily bag is 25. There are no bag or size limits for yellow bass.
There is no minimum length limit or daily bag limit for common carp.
For channel and blue catfish, their hybrids and subspecies, minimum length limit = 12 inches and daily bag limit = 25 in any combination. For flathead catfish, minimum length = 18 inches and daily bag limit = 5.
For white and black crappie, their hybrids and subspecies, minimum length limit = 10 inches. Daily bag limit = 25 in any combination.
For alligator gar, daily bag limit is 1 fish of any size. No bag limits on other species of gar.
There is no minimum length or daily bag limit on bluegill, redear, warmouth or other species of sunfish.
For rainbow and brown trout, their hybrids and subspecies, there is no minimum length and daily bag limit = 5 trout in any combination.