Meadowmere Park Ramp

Park: Yes
Restrooms: No
Boat Dock: Yes
Ample Parking: Not really. Get there early or you may end up parking in the park instead.
Ramp Fee: required
Meadowmere Park boat ramp is a very nice ramp. It is a slightly long ramp and is set in the back of large cove. The boat dock extends way out into the lake which is perfect for picking up passengers. The only slight problem is the lack of parking. There are only about 25 to 30 spots before you have to go to overflow parking which is a good distance away.
The ramp is fairly steep which is great. Some of the other ramps on the lake can be fairly shallow. You will not find that here. This is a great ramp if you are looking to get in on the western end of the lake. It is truly one of the best ramps on the lake.
Located at:
3013 Meadowmere Lane
Grapevine, Texas