Katie’s Woods Ramp

Katie’s Woods Boat Ramp information:
Park: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Boat Dock: Yes
Ample Parking: Yes
Ramp Fee: Required
Katie’s Woods boat ramp is arguably the best boat ramp on the south side of Lake Grapevine. It offers both a normal ramp and a high water ramp for when the lake level is above normal. There is ample parking, but this is a heavily used ramp so there are occasions when the parking lot fills up early in the day. The boat ramp is protected by a nice sized cove which is helpful on windy days.
The ramp is located in Katie’s Woods park which has plenty of picnic areas for day use. There is no charge for use of the park areas, but there is a boat ramp fee if you are launching a boat. You have a great view of the lake, the dam, and the Glass Cactus at the Gaylord Texan from this area.
Located at:
1899 Katie’s Woods Loop
Grapevine, Texas