Lakeview Park Ramps

Lakeview Park Boat Ramps
Park: Yes
Restrooms: Yes (inside park area)
Boat Dock: Yes on North Ramp. No on South Ramp.
Ample Parking: Minimal
Ramp Fees: Required
There are two boat ramps located within Lakeview Park. Both ramps are one lane ramps and are on open water.
The Lakeview South ramp is very small and does not have a boat dock. The parking area is very small as well.
The Lakeview North ramp is a little larger, but still is only one lane. It is on wide open water on the main part of Lake Grapevine. There is a very usable boat dock there that extends well out into the lake.
Even though both of these ramps are not highly desirable, they are set in one of the nicest parks on the lake. Lakeview Park is a little hard to find so it is usually less crowded than other parks. The picnic tables are numerous and well spread out around the park. This is a great area to spend the day, just not a great spot to put your boat in the water.
Located at:
2150 Lakeview Drive
Grapevine, Texas