Trophy Club Park Ramp

Park: Yes
Restrooms: Yes
Boat Dock: No
Ample Parking: Minimal
Ramp Fee: Required
The Trophy Club Park Boat Ramp is on the very western end of the lake. This is the river end of the lake that tends to be more narrow with a lot of stumps and cover. It is an area of the lake for the hard core hunter or fisherman.
The ramp is small. In fact, it is uncertain as to whether you could get anything much larger than a Jon boat in here. There is about 15 or so parking spaces in the area. And there are some day use picnic tables in the Trophy Club park.
This ramp is way off of the main body of the lake and should only be used by people that plan on being on that end of the lake in a small boat.
Located at:
2885 Trophy Park Drive
Trophy Club, Texas